The Parties to the Agreement
- The parties to this Agreement are on the one hand, Sherpa Digital Services & Consulting Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sherpa Digital), located at Gazimagusa Free Port and Zone PK: 888, which operates the digital platform at (hereinafter referred to as ‘TranslateCentral) and on the other hand, individual or corporate customers who benefit from the services offered on the TranslateCentral platform (hereinafter referred to as ‘Customer’).
Subject of the Agreement
- The purpose of the TranslateCentral digital platform is to bring individuals and legal entities wishing to provide and receive translation services on an online platform and to mediate their exchange of translation services. The subject of this membership agreement is to regulate the rights and obligations between the parties coming together on the TranslateCentral digital platform.
Obligations of the Parties
- All customer transactions on the TranslateCentral digital platform shall be carried out by the Customer himself/herself personally. Sherpa Digital cannot be held liable due to any procedures of exchange/transaction, communication methods, scheduling or data management.
- Sherpa Digital is responsible for securely storing files and documents uploaded to the platform by the Customer and not sharing them with third parties in any way other than sharing them with the translator for the purposes of translation. The responsibility for such retention and non-sharing with third parties also applies to the completed texts and documents.
- Sherpa Digital shall not be liable for any loss of data due to technical failures in the TranslateCentral digital platform due to various reasons. In such cases, the Customer agrees and undertakes not to hold Sherpa Digital liable for any rights or compensation in any way.
- The Customer is obliged to make sure that the documents, which are uploaded to the system in order to take advantage of the services provided on the TranslateCentral digital platform, do not contain digital threats such as hidden software, viruses, trojans, etc. that may harm the data privacy and information security of the other customers and the TranslateCentral Platform. If such risk factors are detected in files uploaded by the Customer, Customer’s membership may be temporarily or permanently suspended.
- The Customer may not use the services provided on the TranslateCentral digital platform in a manner, which is contrary to general morality, which disrupts public order, infringes on the rights of third parties, and violates the intellectual and industrial rights and copyright of third parties protected by copyrights. Customer agrees and undertakes , in advance, not to use the TranslateCentral platform for this purpose. The Customer is unconditionally obliged to indemnify any loss incurred by Sherpa Digital for any such use, including any compensation and penalties incurred by third parties or entities.
- The information and translation services provided on the TranslateCentral digital platform are provided by independent interpreters who are members of the platform and Sherpa Digital has no responsibility to guarantee the quality and accuracy of such information and translated texts. The Customer accepts and declares that Sherpa Digital, its employees or managers shall not be held responsible for any damages resulting from such information and translations.
General Provisions
- This Agreement shall enter into force upon the delivery of the confirmation e-mail following the approval of Customer’s application to the membership of the TranslateCentral digital platform, which is made by filling in application form and digitally accepting the terms of this agreement and the conditions announced on the aforementioned platform. The Customer accepts, declares and undertakes that no objection and plea shall be made after the entry into force of this agreement in this way.
- The Customer guarantees the accuracy of the information provided in the membership application form. In case any change occurs, the Customer is responsible for updating the membership information without delay.
- The e-mail address provided by the customer on the membership application form is the official and valid notification address of the Customer. The Customer agrees and undertakes in advance that all notifications to this e-mail address will be valid.
- The password used by the customer when accessing the TranslateCentral digital platform is private to the customer and cannot be shared with third parties. Any damage caused by the use of the password by third parties is borne by the Customer.
- Sherpa Digital may temporarily stop or terminate unilaterally the services provided to the Customer on the TranslateCentral digital platform without prior notification. In such cases, the price of the unused portion of the purchased service will be returned to the Customer. The Customer cannot claim any right or hold Sherpa Digital liable on the grounds that the services have been stopped.
- In cases where any of the responsibilities specified in this agreement are performed with delay or incomplete or cannot be performed due to force majeure that is legally applicable, the Customer shall not be entitled to claim any damages under any circumstances from Sherpa Digital.
Pricing and Payment
- The price of the service to be provided over the TranslateCentral digital platform is calculated according to the content, length, type of the text and the area of specialization, if any, and the price quoted accordingly is presented to the Customer online.
- In order to benefit from the services provided on the TranslateCentral digital platform, the Customer must make the payment for the price quoted to the Sherpa Digital through one of the payment methods provided.
- Sherpa Digital’s obligation to the Customer to provide the service under this agreement begins with the receipt of the payment of the service.. The Customer cannot make any claim with regard to translation work that he / she uploads to the TranslateCentral platform for which he or she has not made any payment.
- Sherpa Digital reserves the right to make changes in the price list at any time.
- The records of the TranslateCentral digital platform will be taken as the basis for the calculation of service charges and document-based collections.
- The resolution of all disputes that may arise in relation to this Agreement will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ankara Courts and enforcement offices.